Inter-District Transfer Permits

Rowland USD residents who would like to enroll in another district, must complete and submit an Interdistrict Transfer Permit Application. The application provided below is for the 2024-2025 school year. 
The Interdistrict Transfer Permit for the 2025/2026 school year will be available starting April 7, 2025.
For those seeking enrollment in RUSD who live outside our attendance area, you will need to apply for an Inter-District Transfer Permit with your district of residence. The Rowland Unified School District will be reviewing the following documents to be considered to attend RUSD.
  •  Current Transcript
  •  Current and Last Year’s Attendance Record
  •  Discipline Record
Incomplete applications will not be accepted.  
Interdistrict Transfer Permit Application and required documents to can be emailed to:  
An Interdistrict Transfer Permit  (District to District) is a formal agreements between Rowland Unified School District and other districts allow for the transfer of students between districts, in accordance with Education Code (EC) 48204, the approval to attend outside of the district of residency is not mandatory.