What are the Common Core Standards?
Educational standards describe what students should know and be able to do in each subject in each grade. In California, the State Board of Education decides on the standards for all students, from kindergarten through high school. The California Department of Education helps schools make sure that all schools are meeting the standards.
On August 2, 2010, the California State Board of Education (SBE) voted unanimously to adopt new standards for both mathematics and English-language arts. The new standards are rigorous, research-based, and designed to prepare every student for success in college and the workforce. The standards are internationally benchmarked to ensure that our students are able to compete with students around the globe.
Below is a variety of resources in multiple languages for Parents, Students, Educators and the Community regarding Common Core.
Information and Resources from the California Department of Education
Parent Common Core Videos
This 30-second Public Service Announcement has been developed by the Council of the Great City Schools to increase public awareness and engagement of the Common Core State Standards that have been adopted in 46 states and the District of Columbia. SPANISH VERSION
This three-minute video explains how the Common Core State Standards will help students achieve at high levels and help them learn what they need to know to get to graduation and beyond. SPANISH VERSION
"A New Foundation for Student Success” video commissioned by the Hunt Institute and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), provides an introduction to the Common Core State Standards, including a brief history.
California's transition to assessments based on the new Common Core State Standards (8/26/13)
To view more videos about Common Core click HERE.
Parent Common Core Handouts
PTA Parents' Guide to Student Success
Find out what your child will be learning, at each grade level, in Mathematics and English Language Arts once the Common Core State Standards are in place. Also helpful information on how you can support your child’s learning. Available in English and Spanish.
CGCS Parent Roadmaps to Common Core
Grade-specific handouts for parents with simple explanations of what students need to know in ELA and math. 6-7 pages each. Available in English and Spanish.
- English Language Arts Roadmaps for K-12
- Math Roadmaps for K-12
- SPANISH English Language Arts Roadmaps K-12
- SPANISH Math Roadmaps for K-12
Handouts about the Common Core available in multiple languages including Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic and Pilipino and Hmong from the California Department of Education.
Presentation: Professional Development Module: Introducing the Common Core to Parents and Community Members
A toolkit for informing parents and community about the Standards. Includes a Facilitator’s Guide, PowerPoint presentation and more. (achievethecore.org)