2018 Rowland Heights Buckboard Days Parade Oct. 20 - Save the Date & Register Now!


We hope you will participate in our community's largest event, the 46th annual Rowland Heights Buckboard Days Parade on October 20, 2018. The parade is a fun family event for everyone and we hope you will join us this year. 


              This year’s theme is:  “Passport Through Rowland Heights


It is an international theme and should give you plenty of ideas for how to incorporate this theme into your entry. 


This year, the application process is easier than ever. You can now fill out your application online and submit it directly.  Go to the APPLICATION PAGE then select 2018 Parade online Application.  Choose the online version to fill out and submit your application directly to us.  Be sure to click the submit button after checking your application information.  The pdf version has additional information included but please use the online version for convenience. If you need to print the pdf version and fill it out, you can still do that, but we prefer you to submit it directly online.  It’s easier for you and for us too. 


It really helps us when you send your application in early, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!  Once you submit your application, you should get a ‘thank you’ response to let you know we received it.  Be sure to let us know if you do not hear back within one week of submission.


About 1 week before the parade you will receive your lineup and other instructions for the parade.


Please help us.  We are also looking for parade sponsors and advertisers.  Links to more information and all applications, including sponsorship, are provided below.


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Quick links:

Buckboard Parade Website 
Parade Application 
Reserve a Festival Booth
Be a Sponsor (pledge page)

Put your name on a Light Post Parade Banner

Advertise without sponsoring price list
