Summer Graduate Spotlights

Summer Graduate Spotlights

 Congratulations to the class of 2011. These are the summer graduates.

Nogales High School


Benjamin Garcia

How do you feel about finally graduating: “There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
"I feel that this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong."
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What's right for you-just listen to
The voice that speaks inside.”
-Shel Silverstein

 Favorite Teacher: Mr. Meng – Biology

Favorite High School Memory: Being part of the Swim and Waterpolo Team


Sergio Gaytan

How do you feel about finally graduating: “It feels good to finally be done with high school”

Future plans: go to Mt. SAC and major in Electrical Engineering

Favorite High School Memory: Just hanging out with all of my friends


Santana High School


Justin Tagle

How do you feel about finally graduating: “I feel a little relieved but I am going to miss high school. I’ve learned a lot here and I will use all that I learned when I go to college”

Favorite Teacher: Ms. Larson – English, Mr. Christler – Economics and Government, and Ms. Taylor – Parenting and Family Life

Favorite Class: The Parenting and Family Life class was my favorite because it teaches you what to do when you move out and what to do when searching for an apartment or a car

Favorite High School Memory: My Freshman year when I was part of the Football team and we were undefeated. After my year, the other teams never beat our record.

Future Plans: I plan on going to Mt. SAC and going into the Military. After I plan to transfer to Cal State Fulerton and get a Ph. D. in Psychology.


Samantha Casco

Favorite Teacher: Mr. Longino – Government and Economics

Favorite Class: I really liked Woodshop and Ceramics

Favorite High School Memory: I mostly remember my P. E. Class andjust hanging out with my friends

Future Plans: I plan on going to Pasadena City College and majoring in Psychology
