Summer Learning in Action as Students Discover Robotics & the Art of Debate

ROWLAND HEIGHTS, CA – JUNE 15, 2017 – This is no regular summer school: Dance lights and music play as students program their robots to “dance” or navigate maze formations, while next door students are learning parliamentary debate skills – welcome to summer school in the Rowland Unified School District!

            More than 125 students in grades 4 – 7 at Shelyn Elementary are learning skills in robotics and the art of debate as part of GATE summer school (Gifted and Talented Education). (Shelyn Elementary is located at 19500 E. Nacora Street, Rowland Heights 91748. Summer School Principal Jason Garcia at (909)444-0584).

            Friday, June 16 Special Schedule:

            8:30 AM – 10 AM and 10:30 – Noon          DEBATE TEAMS IN ACTION

            Students learn communication and critical thinking skills at a high level as they learn parliamentary debate. This involves two teams of three people discussing a topic in front of a judge and audience. Come listen as students debate the topic of the high speed rail system in California.

            10 AM – Noon           ROBOTICS

            Students have built a Raspberry Pi Self Driving Robot Car and have learned computer programming using the Python Language. Team-based competitions will take place as the robots tackle course mazes and a special “dance” competition!

This summer the Rowland Unified School District is offering a variety of summer school programs for 1,800 at-risk, English Language Learners, Newcomers and GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) elementary and secondary students at nine school sites. Programs at the three high schools offer credit recovery, advancement and enrichment programs to 4,240 students.

The Rowland Unified School District is proud to serve approximately 14,000 students in the communities of Rowland Heights, Walnut, La Puente, City of Industry, and West Covina at our award-winning schools. More than 5,000 adults (16+) are also served by the Rowland Adult and Community Education School. For more information about Rowland Unified, the community can download the free Mobile App for iOS and Android phones/devices that has news, school calendars, a safety Tip Line, high school sports news for Nogales and Rowland High Schools, and helpful parent and District resources. Visit or call (626) 965-2541.
