Rowland Schools Medal at Science Olympiad: Congrats to Ybarra Academy, Hurley, Jellick and Northam Elementaries

ROWLAND SCHOOLS MEDAL AT SCIENCE OLYMPIAD: Congratulations to our schools Ybarra Academy, Hurley Elementary, Jellick Elementary and Northam Elementary and to their students that competed in this year’s Science Olympiad at Occidental College in Eagle Rock. The District is proud of the outstanding efforts of the students and teachers and they will be recognized at the April 16 Board of Education Meeting.

            Ybarra Academy Seventh and Eighth grade students received the Silver Medal for their work on the Olympiad’s challenges (lead teacher was Stan Park) and Mr. Mias led his group of 4th & 5th graders pictured celebrating after their tennis ball catapult event. Ybarra Academy Principal Annette Ramirez

               Northam Elementary Principal Celia Munguia said, “Our Science Olympiad Team lead by teacher Vanessa Salas and assisted by teachers Rebecca Madera, George Buckmier and our CSA Steve Stahl did well – students received a Bronze medal! For our first time participating, we did well, a Bronze medal. I am very proud of all of them they did a great job.”

            Jellick Elementary Principal John Staumont said, “Jellick Elementary is very proud of our students who participated in their first Science Olympiad. With the support of terrific teachers, Mrs. Darrow and Mrs. Crosby, and hard work by our students, Jellick Elementary received a bronze medal. This valuable experience taught our students the meaning of problem solving, perseverance, and thinking like scientists.” 

            Hurley Elementary Teacher Ms. Guadron said, “Last weekend 15 students (4-6th grade) from Hurley Elementary received the bronze medal at the Science Olympiad event. The students had the opportunity to compete in 20 science related events such as the can race, crime busters, egg drop, mystery architecture, and the straw tower. One of our highest scores was given to two of my students (Jocelyn Escobar and Bianca Estrada) for the mystery architecture. I am very proud of all my students. They worked very hard, and I know this is an experience that they will never forget.” 
