Parent Conference Week - Shortened Day Schedule - No School on Wednesday

Parent Conference Week - Shortened Day Schedule - No School on Wednesday
9/12/2022 9/16/2022

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES: Conferences are next week.  Remember to…

  • Celebrate the positives about the child.

  • Share concerns with the parent, explain how the concerns will be addressed at school, and discuss how the parent can support at home.

  • Review the Home/School Compact

    • Compacts ; after meeting with parents, the teacher keep the English copy until the end of the year. Please give the parent a copy in the preferred parent language

  • Turn in your conference schedules no later than Wednesday, Sep 7.

  • Grades 3-6, you can also share/reinforce about PAPER is 24/7 Free Homework Help

    • Teachers please remind students & families that they can access this free service for homework help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, I will be sending a PS about Paper prior to conferences.

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