Public Textbook Review - Grades 6-8 Match Textbooks: Community Invited to Review

Public Textbook Review - Grades 6-8 Match Textbooks: Community Invited to Review
RUSD District Office - Room P-2 8 - 11 AM and 4 - 7 PM

On behalf of the Grades 6-8 Math Textbook Adoption Committee, we would like to cordially invite you to the public viewing of the two textbooks that are currently being considered and piloted. A group of grades 6-8 math teachers are participating in an extensive textbook adoption process. After rigorous review, discussion, and evaluation, the group has chosen to pilot two Common Core Math aligned programs, Go Math and Big Ideas, both from the publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. The group of teachers will have the opportunity to pilot both programs, and we will have a recommendation to the RUSD Board of Education by May 2016. The viewing is a chance for parents, students, school staff, and the community to provide comments or ask questions about the textbooks and the process in which our teachers participated. We will also address any inquiry or concerns.

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