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The department of Special Projects/GATE/English Language Learners is a multifaceted department that supports the district in the Title III LEP and Immigrant federal grant programs, English Learner instructional programs, and the parent leadership group District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).  It provides differentiated district-wide professional development for all teachers including English Language Development Teachers and Dual Language Immersion Teachers. The department also provides translation services of district based parent informational materials and interpretation at parent meetings, into Spanish, Korean and Chinese.
Our mission is to serve as an integral part of the Educational Services  Division for the Rowland Unified School District. Our objective is to continue to build a common core of knowledge and practicum as we enhance capacity to serve our English learners across all content areas. To accomplish this the department provides the necessary pillars to support all English learners and students who study in the alternative programs such as Structured English Immersion, Dual Language Programs, and Mainstream Programs. 

In addition, we provide leadership for new teacher orientation, and on-going professional development opportunities.
The department is the initiator and sponsor of the Bilingual Competency Award. Rowland values the cultural and linguistic diversity of our community by recognizing bilingual competency through a wide range of criteria.  Rowland is one of the original three districts in the state of California who currently recognizes these achievements.

We oversee the California English Language Development Testing program and the implementation of the District Master Plan for English Language Learners. Furthermore, we support the selection process for core and English learner supplemental materials, and we participate in the San Gabriel Valley Migrant Ed Consortium.
The department looks forward to working in partnership with you to support the achievements of all students. I invite you to visit our department links or call the Office of Special Projects/GATE at (626) 854-8392.


Silvia L Rivas
Director of Special Projects/GATE