Classified » Classification Study

Classification Study

Classification and Compensation Study Advisory Team
Kevin Despard, Director of Human Resources
Nicole Hernandez, Coordinator of Special Education
Jessica Landin, Personnel Analyst
Eric Jones, Structural Supervisor
Lita Hernandez, School Office Manager
Angela Kazanjian, School Office Manager
Art Delrio, Locksmith
Leticia Landin, Instructional Assistant
Classification Study Extension

Dear Rowland Unified Classified Employees, 

As you may have heard, RUSD Board has directed the initiation of a Classification and Compensation Study which will be conducted by Ewing Consulting Group. One of the primary goals of the study is to review and provide recommended updates for the district and personnel commission to consider and adopt. In order to give you a full understanding of the process and goals of the study, please watch a video introduction of the entire process here

The first part of the study is for employees to fill out a Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ). A link to the PDQ is here. DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6. Alternatively, your office manager or department secretary will have hard copies if you wish to fill it out by hand. In order to complete the PDQ, it is helpful for you to have your job description handy. Here is a link to the website where you can find a copy of your job description. We have also sent copies of common job descriptions to schools and departments to provide to employees upon request. 

We encourage all classified employees to fill out the PDQ and look forward to hearing back from everyone. Please work with your supervisor for release time to be able to complete the PDQ during your work day. In the event that release time is not possible, the supervisor is able to authorize up to 2 hours of additional time for employees to complete the survey. The completion of the survey should be done on site and not at home. The computer labs at Rowland Adult School (RACE) and Telesis Academy are available for you to use and have questions answered. In addition, Spanish and Mandarin translators are available on select lab dates. Please check the attached schedule.

As part of the Classification and Compensation Study, an Advisory Team has been put together. The role of the advisory team is to serve as a liaison between the employees and Ewing Consulting and to assure transparency and inclusivity of the process. The members of the Advisory Team are as follows:

Art Del Rio- District Locksmith- Maintenance Department

Kevin Despard- Director of Human Resources

Lita Hernandez- Office Manager - Jellick Elementary

Nicole Hernandez- Coordinator of Special Education

Eric Jones- Structural Supervisor- Maintenance Department

Angela Kazanjian- Office Manager - Telesis Academy 

Jessica Landin- Personnel Analyst - Personnel Commission 

Leticia Landin- Instructional Assistant II- Jellick Elementary

If any questions arise, an email address was created for the advisory team. You can email the members of the advisory team at

[email protected]. We are looking forward to having great participation from our classified employees! DEADLINE EXTENDED TO APRIL 6!


Computer Labs will be open with available staff to assist you. Please refer to the schedule below for dates, times and locations where you can get help completing your Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ)


Classification and Compensation Study - Employee Questionnaire
Have questions?  - Contact us at [email protected].