Go for the gold!
The expression could be a worn-out advertising slogan, or it could be a heart-felt quest for the best.
In the case of Hacienda Heights native Jill Sterkel, her quest led her to four Olympic medals. The 46-year-old's collection includes two gold medals and two bronze medals.
The Wilson High School grad returned March 12 to inspire area students at the Go For the Gold luncheon at the Expo Center in Industry.
The best students from Bassett, La Puente, Hacienda and Rowland Heights received scholarships at the luncheon, which is part of the annual Principal for a Day program.
The swimming champion shared some insight to help area students navigate the shoals of mediocrity and reach their full potential.
"Dream big! Set you goals really high and don't be afraid to try," Sterkel advised. "People often don't succeed because they fail to plan."
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