Senior Seminar Students & Community Leaders Make "Connections to the Future Event" a Success!

The annual :Connections to the Future" event was a success yesterday, demonstrating that our future is bright with professional, eager and talented senior students from both Nogales and Rowland High Schools who are excited about their careers after graduation. Guest speaker Henry DiCarlo, KTLA-TV Morning News Meteorologist, engaged the crowd and was passionate about his message about the importance of communications in business and encouraged students to stand out of the crowd by mastering the skills of communicating one-on-one. 

The award-winning Career Pathways Program at both high schools prepares students for college and career success. All RUSD high school students select a pathway. The Career Certification Program has students gain deeper knowledge and experience in one of the six pathways (Arts & Communications, Business, Family & Consumer Sciences, Health & Medical Services, Public & Human Services or Technology) by taking five courses of instruction and being involved in career activities such as an internship, job shadowing, research project, and presentations and opportunities to interact with professionals. You can learn more about the program at 

We encourage business leaders to get involved by being an internship site for students or to be a professional business advisor for students. Contact the School to Career Office at (626)965-5975 ext. 1572.