Rowland Unified Newsflash and Board of Education June 26 Meeting Highlights

JULY 5 & 6 at 6 p.m. - Summer Theater production of “Annie Jr.” Get ready for this musical that will have your feet tapping to the unforgettable tunes such as “Hard Knock Life” and “Tomorrow.” Also at Hollingworth Elementary! Tickets sold at the door for $5. Children 7 and under free! Hollingworth Elementary is located at 3003 E. Hollingworth Street in West Covina.

Board of Education Meeting Highlights from June 26, 2012 Meeting

The Rowland Unified School District Board of Education announced last night that Deputy Superintendent Ruben Frutos will serve as Interim Superintendent while the Board begins the process of identifying a new Superintendent. Frutos will transition into the interim role beginning September 1, 2012. Dr. Maria Ott, Superintendent, will retire in late August after the opening of the new school year.

“I am grateful that Rowland has someone who respects our District’s culture of teaching and learning, and who will ensure that we keep our focus during the transition,” said Ott.

As Deputy Superintendent of Administrative Services, Frutos has overseen all district administrative operations, including finance, accounting, risk management, facilities, maintenance and operations, technology, police services, purchasing, transportation and food services. Frutos is known for his ability to maximize resources and garner new sources of funding. He has successfully accelerated the District’s Measure R school modernization and new construction program, which to date, has saved the District taxpayers more than $24 million.

Before joining Rowland Unified in 2010, Frutos served as Assistant Superintendent of Business Services in West Covina Unified, South Pasadena Unified and Calexico Unified, and spent five years as Business Manager for Los Alamitos Unified. With a minor in Computer Engineering from University of California, San Diego, and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Statistical Analysis) from San Diego State University, Frutos used his technical and analytical talents to serve 43 school districts in San Diego County as Business Advisory Services Analyst for San Diego County Office of Education. Frutos holds a Masters in Public Administration, with an emphasis in Public Finance, from San Diego State University. Pictured: RUSD Board President Judy Nieh congratulates Ruben Frutos.

Perfect Attendance Recognitions: Can you imagine never missing a day of school Kindergarten through 12th Grade – a total of 2,340 days? Rowland High School had three students Man-Sin Leung and Delia Choi (Pictured) and Sharon Shin (not shown) who received this recognition. Four intermediate school students who had perfect attendance from K – 8th grade: Alvarado Intermediate students Korbin Bailey Amper, Serena Nguyen, Laetitia Waliry, and from Telesis Academy, Eric Long. Jellick Elementary student Emily Aung had perfect attendance K-6 (1, 260 days of school!)

New Vice Principal at Nogales High School: Welcome Sean Delgado, new Vice Principal of Nogales High School (pictured with Principal Dr. Nancy Padilla). Delgado comes to Nogales High School with six years of experiences as a VP. He has extensive experience in the area of curriculum development and technology. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics, International Relationships, and Policy Theory from University of California, Berkeley, and a Masters of Education Administrative and Policy Studies in Education at the Principals Leadership Institute from UCLA.

Parent Support Groups Honored: The Board thanked the dedicated groups of parents from each school who throughout the year have worked closely with their schools and the community and who have raised an estimated $250,000 to support so many school activities, such as school fundraisers, field trips, art programs, volunteers in the classroom, book fairs, technology and so much more.

Rowland Unified Board of Education Calls for November 2012 School Bond Election: With months of comprehensive study complete and significant community input, the Rowland Unified Board of Education demonstrated its continued commitment to providing 21st Century school facilities by adopting a resolution to place a school facility improvement bond measure on the November 5, 2012 ballot. The 5-0 Board vote now allows the formation of a grass-roots community committee to organize activities leading to the November election.

A public opinion survey of Rowland voters conducted in early June indicated that 60% would either “Definitely” or “Probably” vote yes if given the opportunity in November.
Projects slated to be completed should voters pass the bond measure include: construction of school facilities (by replacing aging portables and classrooms) at Rowland High School, Nogales High School, and Stanley G. Oswalt Academy, and to use funds to repair, equip and construct multi-use facilities, athletic facilities, libraries, and science and technology labs. The District would continue to upgrade classrooms at schools throughout Rowland Unified as needed.

Rowland voters have a history of supporting improved schools for students, teachers and classified employees by approving two previous school bond measures. The November bond measure will allow the District to complete its Master Facility Plan which was created in 2001 and updated over the past decade.

To view the entire Board Meeting agenda, click HERE.
