RUSD Secondary Education New Courses Textbook Adoption: In-Person Public Viewing April 5 & 6 at District Office

On behalf of our District Textbook Adoption team, we would like to cordially invite you to the public viewing of the new course textbooks that are being recommended for adoption and implementation beginning fall semester of 2022. This viewing is an opportunity for the public to review, ask questions and give feedback about the textbooks.
The public review window of printed materials for Intermediate Orchestra, Peer Advocacy and Ambassadors will take place on April 5th from 3 to 6 PM in Portable 4 (located behind the Main District Office Building) and on April 6th from 9 AM to 1 PM in the District Office Board Room. Appointments are NOT necessary.  Below you will find a document named "New Courses Adoption How To Guide" that will guide you through viewing the digital curriculum for AP Computer Science Principles and Consumer Math.

Once you have reviewed the materials, we would love to hear your feedback! Please fill out the corresponding Google Form listed below to answer a couple of questions and give your feedback on the textbooks that you reviewed. 

Intermediate Course:

High School Courses:
AP Computer Science Principles-
Consumer Math-
Intermediate Orchestra-
Peer Advocacy-

Please email with any questions.