Hurley Parent and RUSD Administrator Receives County Awards for Work with English Learners

Congratulations to Brian Huff (Outstanding Administrator Award) and Hurley Elementary Parent Graciela Barrientos (Outstanding Parent Volunteer Award) who were honored this past weekend at the Los Angeles County Bilingual Directors’ Association 39th Annual Recognition & Scholarship Event. They were honored for providing exceptional services for English Learners in RUSD!

          Mrs. Graciela Barrientos arrived in the United States from Mexico in 1990 and has raised four children, three that have been part of the Hurley Bilingual Education program. She has been an advocate of the Bilingual Program and has volunteered hundreds of hours as a classroom volunteer assisting English Learners. In addition, she volunteers at various Performing Arts events, assists in the library, and at fundraising events. She has been an active member of the District English Learner Advisory Council and School Site Council.

          Brian Huff currently serves as the Director of Instructional Support at RUSD. Brian’s commitment to the improvement of instruction, services, and advancing the rights of English Language Learners is reflected in his unwavering determination to increase their level of success by staying up to date in current educational research, facilitating committees that help shape policy and using data results to have conversations that change beliefs and practice. He became passionate about learning Spanish and wanting to understand the Latino culture and experience, traveled to several Latin American countries to further develop his Spanish skills and become immersed in the Latino culture.

